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The IMS instituted a mentoring program designed to help scholars at the start of their careers plan and implement a career path. This program links up young scholars (postdoctoral scholars, early career researchers) with a more experienced/established scholar in their field. A mentoring relationship might include advice regarding the shaping of papers intended for presentation at an IMS meeting, turning a conference paper into a publishable article, writing a grant proposal, and so on. The program is open to early career researchers/scholars who are no longer enrolled in a degree program and have completed formal study within an institution.  

In an effort to fulfill the IMS’s goals as an international society, it is hoped that this program might link young scholars with mentors from either their own or another country. People wishing to be linked with a mentor are invited to apply to the Mentor Committee using the application form below. The Committee will then try to link you with the most appropriate person on our mentor list. The mentor and the mentee will then decide upon the most appropriate means of communication. This could be by email, Skype, and so on.

The mentorship will run for a period of up to two years. Mentors and mentees will be asked to provide the Mentor Committee with a report after six months after the start of the program, and a final report after the termination of the mentorship. Participants in this program must be members of the IMS (click here to join or renew your membership).

Committee of the IMS International Mentoring Program

Andrea Bombi (ES, chair), Nozomi Sato (JP), Ingeborg Zechner (AT)


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